Monday, December 4, 2017

Our inquiry lesson plan reflection

Inquiry Lesson Plan on Life in New Spain

Image result for inquiry lesson

What we covered:

  • The review from the previous class
  • The scientific method
  • Hypothesis (An educated guess which is suggested as a possible explanation for a particular situation.)
  • Gold expedition activity
I believe that the students loved our inquiry lesson. They were very eager to search for gold and scroll. I learned that the students are more engaged when there are hands-on activities. A role card for each student helped to give each student a responsibility to work on the task. But, it was little hard to manage it. Most of the students wanted be a gold digger. So, I had to persuade them to take other roles. I had fun to work with my expedition group. They followed the direction really well and they asked me questions when they didn't understand. As a teacher, I wish I could give more clear directions and be more confident what I say. When I did the closure, I felt that my words were little bit unorganized. I will definitely work on these skills to be a better teacher. I am very thankful to my group that they added to what I was saying. 

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