Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Teaching Geography

How to teach geography?

Five themes of geography

Acronym to memorize the five themes of geography:

  • Hug the Earth activity:

The students will take turns to hold the globe and share their ideas. This activity will help the students to be more engaged to the content. It is a good opportunity to listen to others' opinion and thoughts. 

  • A poem on geography:

Walking along feeling free
Feeling the Earth here with me
And I love her. She loves me
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.
She's our friend,
We'd like to be together forever.
The Earth is our garden
It's a beautiful place
For all living creatures
For all the human race,
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam,
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.
Food is a treasure from soil and the sea.
Clean fresh air from the plants and the trees
The warmth of the sun giving life each day
Turns water into rain, it’s nature's way.
And 1 would like to thank you, Mother Earth,
I like to see you dressed in green and blue 
I want to be by you.
Lorraine Bayes
If I use this poem in class, I will make the students to create an poem based on their previous knowledge on geography. I will provide the students a rubric for the writing. 

More strategies:
60 seconds film
Creating a model with the clay (visual representation)
Cake me (visual representation)

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