Thursday, December 7, 2017

Job Interview Reflection

Job Interview Reflection

When I was preparing for today's interview, I was very nervous because I didn't know what questions the administers were going to ask me. However, the preparation for today's interview helped me to review what I have learned through this class: Direct, inquiry, cooperative, and technology based instructions. While I was doing the interview, many questions were very significant and valuable. My favorite questions were:

What animal can you think when you think about direct instruction?
When you think about cooperative instruction, what color can you think of?

(I think it requires creativity to answer this question. Creativity is an important element of teaching.)  

I also liked Marie's questions with a given scenario. It was interesting to listen to others' perspectives on a same situation. One of my challenging questions was about the information processing. I had hard time to remember what it was/how to explain. It was a great experience! I was able to see how the interview works and I learned I have to be prepared and dressed professionally.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Our inquiry lesson plan reflection

Inquiry Lesson Plan on Life in New Spain

Image result for inquiry lesson

What we covered:

  • The review from the previous class
  • The scientific method
  • Hypothesis (An educated guess which is suggested as a possible explanation for a particular situation.)
  • Gold expedition activity
I believe that the students loved our inquiry lesson. They were very eager to search for gold and scroll. I learned that the students are more engaged when there are hands-on activities. A role card for each student helped to give each student a responsibility to work on the task. But, it was little hard to manage it. Most of the students wanted be a gold digger. So, I had to persuade them to take other roles. I had fun to work with my expedition group. They followed the direction really well and they asked me questions when they didn't understand. As a teacher, I wish I could give more clear directions and be more confident what I say. When I did the closure, I felt that my words were little bit unorganized. I will definitely work on these skills to be a better teacher. I am very thankful to my group that they added to what I was saying. 

Different Worlds Collide (group 3)

Different Worlds Collide 

Image result for aztec empire

Key terms:
  • Mexico City
  • New Spain
  • Convert
  • Colonist
  • Francisco Pizarro
  • Athualpa
  • Cuzco
  • Lima
  • Conquistador
  • Ally
  • Moctezuma
  • Hernando Cortes
  • Tenochtitlan
  • Conquest

I thought that using timeline is a good way to organize students’knowledge and activate their prior knowledge. I thought that the teachers were moving on too fast. I saw some students didn’t have enough time to write it down. However, I thought that the lesson was very organized! All teachers seemed that they know the material. I also like that all teachers repeated important words again and again. I really like the ping pong paddle white board. It is really easy to hold it up and students seemed very enjoying (Later I found out that it belongs to the classroom). I really liked the idea and it is a great way for exit ticket! As a teacher, you could see what they have learned through the lesson and how you can make an adjustment!