Monday, October 23, 2017

The voyage of Christopher Columbus (group 2)

The voyage of Christopher Columbus

Image result for the voyage of christopher columbus

Key terms:
Columbian Exchange
Bahama Islands
West Indies

Christopher Columbus:

  • He was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy and died in 1504.
  • He was an explorer from Spain.
  • He is known for discovering the Americas
  • He was on a voyage to discover the Indies not the Americas

The Taino:

  • THe land that Columbus discovered was an island called Guanahani
  • The island was inhabited by a group of people known as the Taino

Funding the Expedition:

  • Expedition: a journey made for a special purpose
  • Columbus spoke to King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella about his plan
  • He convinced them that he can find a cheaper and quicker way to the Indies
  • Three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria
Columbian Exchange: Columbus broght over settlers, animals, and supplies

teaching methods:
Web organizers (Columbus web)
Columbian Exchange Posterboard (thinking caps)

I really enjoyed watching Group 2's direct instruction. It was structured and organized.I also liked their activities that they did. I really like that you had a slide with key terms so students know what they were supposed to focus on.

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