Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Planning DI for Life in New Spain

Life in New Spain

Related image

Our PowerPoint Presentation

Terms to teach*

five explorers
  • Hernando de Soto
  • Esteban
  • Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
  • Francisco Vazquez de Coronado
  • Juan Ponce de Leon
Society in New Spain
  • A society is a group of people forming a community
  • Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, Indians/Africans
  • Encomienda (gave a peninsulares control of all the native peoples who lived on an area of land)
  • Plantation (large farms with many workers who lived on the land they worked)
More changes for Native people
  • Missionary (one type of encomienda that was run by Roman Catholic missionaries to teach his or her religion to others who have different beliefs)
  • Mission (a religious settlement where missionaries live and work)
  • Bartolome de Las Casas
  • Slavery in the Americas

We were supposed to use Prezi instead of google slides. However, we had a problem with prezi so we made google slides. Amanda will open the introduction and briefly mentioned about Search for gold then Cierra will talk about five explorers. Then I will talk about the society in New Spain and Olivia will explain more changes for native people (Slavery). Between each content, we will have check for understanding. When we are studying the explorers, we will use pop stickers sticks with explorers images. Web organizers and notepad are provided. I was very nervous when I was teaching however, the students were paying attention to our lesson and they were very engaged to the lesson. Even though we were rushing to finish everything but I thought that we managed time really well. We had to cover many concepts so that's why we didn't have enough time I believe. However! I was so proud of my group!!

Monday, October 23, 2017

The voyage of Christopher Columbus (group 2)

The voyage of Christopher Columbus

Image result for the voyage of christopher columbus

Key terms:
Columbian Exchange
Bahama Islands
West Indies

Christopher Columbus:

  • He was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy and died in 1504.
  • He was an explorer from Spain.
  • He is known for discovering the Americas
  • He was on a voyage to discover the Indies not the Americas

The Taino:

  • THe land that Columbus discovered was an island called Guanahani
  • The island was inhabited by a group of people known as the Taino

Funding the Expedition:

  • Expedition: a journey made for a special purpose
  • Columbus spoke to King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella about his plan
  • He convinced them that he can find a cheaper and quicker way to the Indies
  • Three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria
Columbian Exchange: Columbus broght over settlers, animals, and supplies

teaching methods:
Web organizers (Columbus web)
Columbian Exchange Posterboard (thinking caps)

I really enjoyed watching Group 2's direct instruction. It was structured and organized.I also liked their activities that they did. I really like that you had a slide with key terms so students know what they were supposed to focus on.

Fieldwork Information

Lesson plans

Image result for good classroom

Direct Instruction(Behavioral Model)

  • To develop basic skills and knowledge
  • Modeling shows the process of thinking.
  • Demonstration is just showing information.
Ex)PowerPoint presentation, written information on the whiteboard

Indirect instruction IPM (Information Processing Model): inquiry lesson
  • To develop critical thinking skills
Ex) explorers journal with given clues
Indirect instruction SIM (Social Interactive Model) 
  • Cooperative learning methods focusing on social skills.
Ex)Creating poems, artworks, stories, and songs.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Reflection: Map skills (group 1)

Teaching Map skills 

Image result for map skills lesson plans

  • Globe: a model of earth that shows the two major lines: the equator and the prime median.
  • Many ancient civilizations believed that the earth was flat. This made sailors and explorers worried they would sail right off the earth.
  • Equator: an imaginary line that circles Earth at its widest point between the North and South poles.
  • Prime meridian: an imaginary line that extends from the North and South poles. It passes through the Greenwich, England .
  • Parallels: lines of Latitude that circle the Earth
  • Meridians: lines of Longitude that circle the Earth
  •  Longitude and Latitude: imaginary lines that help us find locations on earth
  • Latitude lines tell us how many degrees north or south of the equator a location is.
  • Longitude lines tell us how many degrees east or west of the prime meridian a location is.
  • Hemisphere: the earth being divided into half spheres
        Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western

How to teach this lesson effectively?
1st direct instruction: Model and demonstration are very significant. 


I really like that the teachers showed the google map. By asking/showing the location of places where students might know, students seemed very involved in the activity. They also made a good transition from the introduction to the next part. Good explanation on map vocabularies with pictures and definitions. I liked that the teacher asked the students if they had any question on what they were learning. Marie provided gestures and keywords (hand motions on latitude and longitude). It seemed that the students remember the terms better! The teachers played a video clip on the map skills. It was a great resource and appropriate to the age of class. Word wall activity was a good way to develop their knowledge. Students seemed very engaged to the activity. However, I wish all students have a chance to participate in this activity. I liked that the teachers provided the world map so all students can look at. Students who participated seemed very engaged with teachers by asking different questions. I thought that the closure was very smooth and clearly emphasized what the students learned today.