Monday, September 25, 2017

Jigsaw Project on cooperative learning

Cooperative learning

Project Jigsaw

Reflection: I really enjoyed working on the jigsaw project. We all became an expert in a specific area and conduct a lesson for others students. As I gathered information of positive interdependence and share it to my expert group to create a lesson, it helped me to master the content and be prepared for teaching. When I gave a lesson to the base group, I was very prepared and feel confident. Learning from other friends was also very interesting because I was able to ask more questions.

PowerPoint Presentation on Positive Interdependence & Individual Accountability

  • hands on activity
  • more engagement
  • Giving a feedback to each other is very important. 
  • When you design a lesson, make it simple and include effective images.
  • Creativity (video, animation, sounds, and etc)
  • Have a plan B (try to practice before you present)
  • Turn & Talk activity
  • Talk louder
  • Try not to read the texts on PPT.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

A Type of the Cooperative Learning

Image result for padlet

Cooperative learning using Padlet.

Padlet is a free application to create an online bulletin board that you can use to display information for any topic. Easily create an account and build a new board. You can add images, links, videos, and more. You can return to add more later.

I loved using Padlet in the classroom. Even though we are reading same documents, we have different opinions on it and also we will have different information that we need as an important. Therefore, Padlet is the best way to share the information and read other people's information. I love using different methods of learning with technology!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

What is Social Studies Method?

Origins of social studies
-History has dominated the discipline
-Lectures and discussions are primary teaching devices
  -Occasional audio visual aids and field trips
-Homework assigned from textbooks

  -Small group and independent work
  -Manipulatives, films, TV, computers
  -Integrated approaches
  -Greater instructional variety than other subjects

Social Studies Powerful Elements...
Meaningful - Engaging, connects students with real-world situations
Integrative -  Draws on more than one discipline, subject or skill set
Value-Based - Strengthens students' sense of democratic values and social responsibility
Challenging - Incorporates different perspectives and draws on students' critical-thinking skills
Active- Participatory, makes use of manipulative or physical environment

How people Learn? What is Learning?
Image result for learning pyramid

Structure of Knowledge
Jerome Bruner
What is knowledge?

  • Meta-Cognition (evaluation, creation)
  • Generalizations (analyze)
  • Concepts (comprehension)
  • Facts (understanding)
Educational philosophies
  • Re-constructionalism (Social-cognitive)
  • Existentialism (focusing on your child) (learning styles, MI, brain research)
  • Progressivism (Constructivist, cognitive)
  • Perennialism/Essentialism

Models, Strategies, and Methods
Models (approaches to teaching)
  • Personal (self esteem, individuality)
  • Social-Interactive (students learn each other through group working)
  • Informational-processing (short-term memory, long-term memory..)
  • Behavioral (Stimuli, responses)
Strategies (sets of specific steps)
  • Indirect/Individual
  • Indirect/Interactive 
  • Indirect/Cognitive
  • Direct
Methods (specific of teaching)
  • Indirect/Individual: projects
  • Indirect/Interactive: jigsaw, role plays, discussion, simulation, 
  • Indirect/Cognitive: no worksheets! graphic organizers, inquiry methods
  • Direct: demonstration, guided practice, lecture, home assignment, read from the texts... 

  • Creative Thinking Evaluation/Synthesis
  • Analysis
  • Application Comprehension
  • Knowledge

Instruction                                       Assessment
Personal                                      Summative/Authentic/projects, E-folios, Self-evaluation, Journals
Social-Interactive                       Peer review,. group processing

Goal is a general statement (bigger picture). 

What are Building Blocks/Components of Objectives? (Where? closure on the lesson plan)

                    Condition (Given)

Behavior                                          Criterion

Unit Plan Design
  1. Direct
  2. Indirect/Cognitive (Inquiry)
  3. Indirect/Social (CL)
  4. Indirect?Personal (Project)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Climate Change

September 5, 2017

Image result for earth

*We derive our energy from fossil fuels which are not renewable. The earth has a limited amount of natural resources.
*Sun is an open system of energy that we can gain.

1. Must we change?
2. Can we change?
3. How we change?

Image result for troposphere

Atmosphere is a sphere of outer space. It is the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.

Why earth get hot? 
-As the CO2 concentration increases, more of the outgoing infrared radiation is trapped.

We are Dumping 110 Million Tons of Manmade Global Warming Pollution into the Atmosphere every 24 hours.

Image result for the biggest sources of greenhouse gases

The biggest sources of greenhouse gases
-Coal mining
-Coal plants
-Thawing permafrost
-Oil production
-Air transport
-Land Transport
-Industrial agriculture

*Cows (fart a lot, air pollution)
*The largest source of global warming pollution is the burning of fossil fuels.

-*Exponential curves (growth doubles up)

-Global surface temperature increasingly went up.
-The hottest year ever measured 2016.
-Ocean also got warmer.
(Death ocean; no life in the ocean)
-The Hydro-logical Cycle (evaporation, precipitation, surface on earth(rivers & seas))
-The same extra heat that evaporates more water from the ocean, causing bigger downpours and floods.
-Hotter years typically have more fires (For McMurray, Alberta, Canada)
-Glacier melt (declining ice mass in greenland)
-Sea level rise (miami)
-Climate change will likely lead to food and water shortages, pandemic diseases,disputes over refugees and,, natural disaster region cross the globe.
-Climate change is a medical emergency
-We now risk losing up to 50 % of all land-based species. (lost of habitats)